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Developer ToolsAPIEmailQuality AssuranceEmail Testing


Get ready to hog all your emails with MailHog, the developer's digital pen pal! This nifty tool transforms your email testing into a hog-wild adventure, letting you corral your application's emails through the SMTP pen with ease. Peek at your piggy-backed emails through a snazzy web UI that's more fun than a mud bath. Fancy sending your emails out to the big, bad world? MailHog's got you covered, with a release mechanism to real SMTP servers. Sniff out your messages in the web UI or go truffle hunting with the JSON API. It's got all the SMTP tricks, including AUTH and PIPELINING, plus real-time updates that'll have you squealing with delight. Unleash the Chaos Monkey when you're feeling mischievous and want to test for email pandemonium. And don't worry about gatecrashers; there's HTTP basic authentication to keep your sty secure. Lightweight and installation-free, MailHog is the perfect piggyback ride for your emails, especially when hosted on RepoCloud, where the mud's always cooler and the costs are just peanuts!


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