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APICommunicationMonitoringMultilingualResponsive DesignTwo-Factor AuthenticationStatus PageUptime MonitoringIncident ManagementMetrics DashboardDowntime CommunicationMaintenance SchedulingSystem Outages


Introducing Cachet: the downtime whisperer that turns outage frowns upside down! Loved by top-notch companies across the globe, this open-source maestro of status pages keeps your customers, team, and investors in the loop with style. Whether you're on a desktop, doing the tablet tango, or on a smartphone shuffle, Cachet's snazzy design stays responsive and fabulous. Speak the language of your audience with multilingual support and wield the mighty JSON API to update your status page like a boss. Plan your digital spa days with scheduled maintenance, and keep a keen eye on your digital health with customizable metrics. And for those who like their security tighter than a hipster's jeans, Cachet's got two-factor authentication. Host it on RepoCloud, and you'll be saving more than just face during downtimes—you'll be saving some serious coin, too!




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