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MediaAutomationIntegrationMedia ManagementUsenetVideoCalendarsCross-platformDownloadCalendarManual SearchQuality UpgradeBitTorrentFailed Download HandlingPVRTV Shows


Imagine a digital butler, Sonarr, who's obsessed with keeping your TV show collection in tip-top shape. This PVR (Personal Video Recorder) is like a ninja navigating the wilds of Usenet and BitTorrent, on a mission to hunt down new episodes of your binge-worthy series. It doesn't just grab them; it sorts, renames, and if it's feeling generous, upgrades them to a shinier quality when available. With its handy-dandy calendar, you'll never miss an episode drop again, and its manual search is like a treasure map to the release of your choice. Tired of downloads that fail more than a cardboard umbrella? Sonarr's got your back, blocking the duds and finding the studs. It plays nice with SABnzbd, NZBGet, Kodi, and Plex, and is as comfortable on Windows, Linux, macOS, and Raspberry Pi as a cat in a sunbeam. Host it on RepoCloud, and you'll save enough to treat yourself to a popcorn feast for your next TV marathon!


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