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06 February 2024

What to look out for when buying a domain name

Nainsi Borad

Wordpress developer

February 6, 2024

8 min read


Your domain name is the first impression of your company online. The choice of a domain name can determine if it will be easy for customers to find, remember, share and recognize your brand. Age, memorability, and uniqueness are all factors to consider when looking for a good domain name. If you’re considering purchasing a high-value domain name, this article will help you to know the factors to look out for so as to maximize your investment.

Domain age

Verifying the age of a domain name can give an idea of the background and reliability of the website it is linked to. A long-standing registration of a domain name may suggest that this site has gained a certain level of trust and authority. Old domain names could also have backlinks and other SEO-friendly signals. A newly registered domain name might indicate that the site is new and does not yet have a solid track record.

Social media

If you intend to be present on social media, see if the name is already in use across all the social media platforms for consistency purposes.

Good memory

A memorable domain name will help you to get recognized by your website users and organisation. It is the brand's face and may affect how others perceive your business. A lot of established big brands have straightforward, easy-to-remember domain names.

These brands have built a reputation around their domain names, which is key in having a strong online presence. Choose a name that is imaginative and easy to connect with. Avoid complex words or phrases that are hard to remember.


A premium domain is a highly precious asset which can make your business stand out, only if it is relevant to your target audience and search engine friendly. When buying a premium domain name, go for one that conveys your brand message and targets the right people. Find appropriate keywords or phrases to emphasize. Get the insight into the needs, preferences, and behaviors of your audience to select a domain name that would speak to them.

Adding brand-related words to your domain name, like your business name, products or services, is a strategy that makes a strong impression.


Customers prefer domain names that are real and trustworthy. Choose words that convey your position as an expert and your reputation in the field. Don’t use hyphens or numbers; it will look unprofessional. Alternatively, go for a domain name that is both self-assured and easy to type to assist people in discovering and trusting your website.


The use of a unique domain name can be a very strong branding tool and will make you distinguishable among your competitors. Avoid generic sounding domain names. Generic names don’t offer any uniqueness or differentiating factors. They may make it difficult for your brand to stand out in a crowded market.


The extension of a website address is the part that appears after the last dot, such as . com, . org, or . net. Even the most premium domain names may drop in value with unfamiliar extensions that nobody recognizes.

Trademark infringement

A trademark is a legally registered design, word or phrase which serves as an identification for a company’s products or services and differentiates them from those of the competitors. The use of a domain name that is similar to or the same as an existing trademark may result in legal problems and may harm your reputation. You should also not engage in trademark violation by doing a comprehensive trademark search before buying a domain name. This can be done by searching the trusted online databases for trademarks or by employing the services of a trademark attorney to do it for you.

Buy premium domain

Think about the usefulness of a premium domain name in your business. Premium domain names are typically short, easy to remember, and easy to spell. Usually they are more trust-worthy than long or generic domain names, which helps in establishing the trust among your target audience. They can also possess good backlinks and traffic history, which might enhance the position of your website on search engines. When you purchase premium domain names, they may be more costly, but the benefits of having an influential and memorable domain name in the long term can offset this initial investment greatly.


Written by Nainsi Borad

Wordpress developer

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